April 5, 2020
John 13 — Jesus washed his disciples’ feet. He gave us an illustration of love and sacrifice as well as an example of love, humility, and service. Jesus calls and sents us to love and serve others. We are to bring Jesus to the people and the people to Jesus.
Read MoreMarch 29, 2020
Psalm 73 — Jesus is the sovereign Lord. In a time like this, we must fix our eyes on Jesus by remaining in his presence. His counsel will guide us how to respond and live in these times. We will respond by telling and showing his love to the world.
Read MoreMarch 25, 2020
1 John 4:14-19 — Love drives out fear. In this time of crisis let us show and share the love of Jesus and so drive out the fear in our hearts and in the hearts of others.
Read MoreMarch 20, 2020
Part 2 of John Stumbo’s message on the current pandemic. How do we as a church, the people of God, respond to the current situation due to the Coronavirus? Here is a very important and encouraging message by John Stumbo, the president of the Christian & Missionary Alliance.
Read MoreMarch 20, 2020
How do we as a church, the people of God, respond to the current situation due to the Coronavirus? Here is a very important and encouraging message by John Stumbo, the president of the Christian & Missionary Alliance.
Read MoreJANUARY 13 2019
God’s people are called to engage the world constructively because this is God’s world. They are in the world. But they are also called to confront the world courageously because this world is in rebellion against God. They are not of the world. To confront the world they are called to be holy, that is to be different, and to stand up and speak out.
Part of our sermon series—”Be Courageous! Living as God’s People in God’s World.” This series is based on and follows the outline of Christopher J.H. Wright’s book, The Mission of God's People : A Biblical Theology of the Church's Mission, (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2010). For this sermon these two sources were also used—Michael Anthony, A Call for Courage : Living with Power, Truth, and Love in an Age of Intolerance and Fear, (Nashville: Nelson Books, 2018); and Ed Stetzer, Christians in the Age of Outrage : How to Bring Our Best When the World Is at Its Worst, (Carol Stream, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 2018).
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