April 3, 2022
Matthew 4:1-11; John 6:25-59 — Jesus, the Bread of Life, changed our stones of sin into the living bread that gives eternal life. On the cross He carried our stones, our sins, in our place. He took them away. His broken body became the Living Bread and his spilled blood the Living Water that gives us new, eternal life. When we come to Him and believe in Him we receive Him, the Bread of Life, and we live forever. At the cross we leave our stones and receive the bread, the living Bread that gives life to the world.
This is our sermon series for Lent, entitled, Journey to the Cross, A Journey of Stones. This series is adapted from and based on the following two books: Journey of Stones: A Sermon Series for Lent and Easter by Steven Molin and Journey to the Cross: A 40-Day Lenten Devotional by Paul D. Tripp.
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