Posts in Kingdom of God
We Serve God Alone

November 24 2019

Matthew 6:19-24 — Where is your heart? What is your treasure? Whom do you serve? We cannot serve two lords. We serve God alone. We serve God by keeping our hearts focused on God’s kingdom. We focus our hearts on the kingdom by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, the light of the world.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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Amazing Grace

November 17 2019

Matthew 6:7-15 — This sermon looks at the second half of the Lord’s Prayer. We continue to glorify God. Even though our needs are now in focus, it is ultimately still about God’s glory because God gives, God forgives, God protects and delivers us. All because of his amazing grace and all for his glory.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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Praying for our Father’s Glory

October 13 2019

Matthew 6:7-15 — We pray in faith with hope and love. We pray to worship, honor and glorify our Father in heaven. His glory, his holy Name, his kingdom, his will, must be the focus and priority in our prayers. Even when in supplication and intercession we pray for ourselves and others, those prayers ultimately serve our Father’s glory. This sermon deals with the first part of the Lord’s Prayer.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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Love Our Enemies & Be Perfect

September 22 2019

Matthew 5:43-48 — Love our enemies and be perfect as our Father is perfect. We are children of God. Therefore, we must love like God loves, with extraordinary love. We love our enemies with our actions, words, and prayers. In this world we live as God’s peculiar, radically different-from-the-world Kingdom people. This is possible because … We are perfect because we are in Christ. We are becoming perfect because the Holy Spirit makes us perfect.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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Pay Forward, Not Back

September 8 2019

Matthew 5:38-42 — Kingdom people respond to personal injury, insult, and persecution with love and generosity. We do not take revenge. We do not pay back. Instead we pay forward with love, joy, and generosity. We have a choice to make—our comfort or the cross? We have died to self. We are concerned for the welfare and wellbeing of the other person. This is radical! We are called to live the alternative, counter-cultural way of love. True love overcomes evil.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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Radical Truthfulness

September 1 2019

Matthew 5:33-37 — Living the Kingdom life involves radical truthfulness. Kingdom people, followers of Jesus Christ, are people of the truth. They speak with, live out, and practice radical truthfulness. They do not need oaths, vows or promises to confirm the truth or to back up their words. Kingdom people are people of integrity; people of their word. They do what they say they will do. They walk their talk. Their radically truthful lives, words, and actions gives a powerful witness to the Truth, Jesus Christ.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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The Mingling of Souls

August 25 2019

Matthew 5:31-32; 19:3-9 — Through this passage the Holy Spirit led us to do a mini-series on sexuality within our main series, Living the Kingdom Life. This mini-series is called Radical Purity for Sexual Discipleship. Who is discipling our next generation in the area of their sexuality? Who is discipling us sexually? What is God’s design for sexuality? We are called to follow, obey, and exalt Jesus as Lord, Creator, and Savior of every aspect of our lives, including our sexuality and marriage. The Church must be a safe place where we can talk about and help one another regarding our sexual questions, struggles, hurt, pain, and brokenness. Radical purity is necessary for Kingdom living. This and the next 3 sermons explore these questions. This mini-series is based on and makes extensive use of the following resources: Juli Slattery, Rethinking Sexuality: God’s Design and Why It Matters; Matt Chandler, The Mingling of Souls: God’s Design for Love, Marriage, Sex & Redemption; David Platt, Counter Culture: Following Christ in an Anti-Christian Age.

This is sermon #4, The Mingling of Souls, the last in the mini-series, Radical Purity for Sexual Discipleship. This is part of our larger series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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