May 21, 2023
Acts 15:36-17:15; 1 & 2 Thessalonians — The Thessalonian church was a church marked by suffering. From Paul’s encouragements to this suffering church we learn that God loves us still in the midst of our trials. Jesus is returning to write our final story. In the meantime, we are called to be wholly engaged in life and ministry while we know that we are fully and frequently blessed.
This is part of our series — Jesus Builds His Church. In this series, we look at the early church in Acts and the corresponding letters of Paul to see how Jesus builds His church, then, through the ages, and now. From the early church in the New Testament, we learn what the church is and how to be the church in these challenging times. This series is based especially on the book of John Stumbo, A Stained Beauty: The Church Ancient and Present. Full credit is given to him. His ideas have been adopted and adapted into this sermon series. The book of Scott McKnight & Laura Barringer, A Church Called Tov: Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing, has also been used.
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