The Older Son’s Return

March 26, 2023

Luke Luke 15:28, 31-32 — Our Heavenly Father loves all of us, his younger and older children, equally and totally. He goes out to search for us and calls us home. We should let go of rivalry and resentment and surrender to his love. Only Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father, is the Shepherd that can bring home. And when we, as older sons, surrender and listen to his voice, we come home by practicing daily the disciplines of trust and gratitude.

This is part of our Lent series for 2023 — Come Home! This series is based on and informed by the book of Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son, as well as Rembrandt’s painting, The Return of the Prodigal Son.

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The Older Son (We) Leaves

March 19, 2023

Luke Luke 15:25-30 — We are like the elder son when our hearts are filled with self-centered and self-righteous pride. We leave home and become lost like him when we surrender our hearts to resentment, envy, self-pity, anger, and fear. There is only one way home. We cannot find or save ourselves. We must be born from above. We can only be healed from above, from where God has come to us in Jesus Christ, to invite us to come home.

This is part of our Lent series for 2023 — Come Home! This series is based on and informed by the book of Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son, as well as Rembrandt’s painting, The Return of the Prodigal Son.

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The Younger Son’s (Our) Return

March 12, 2023

Luke Luke 15:13-20a — When we leave home to seek love and belonging in the world, we become lost and slaves to the world. We are on a path that leads to self-destruction and death. We must come to our senses and choose between death or life. We must reclaim our childhood and begin the long journey home by becoming again a child of God. Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became a child so that we might become children again and so re-enter with him into the kingdom of the Father

This is part of our Lent series for 2023 — Come Home! This series is based on and informed by the book of Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son, as well as Rembrandt’s painting, The Return of the Prodigal Son.

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The Younger Son Leaves Home

March 5, 2023

Luke 15:11-13a — Our home is where we can hear God’s voice saying to us, “You are my beloved, on you my favor rests.” Our home is the center of our beings where we hear his voice, our hearts. Yet, we leave our Father’s home over and over again when we follow the loud voices of self, others, and this world. We become addicted to the conditional loves and promises of the world which never satisfy. The only way home is through the outstretched arms of Christ on the cross that leads us back to the waiting outstretched arms of our Father’s boundless, unconditional, and everlasting love.

This is part of our Lent series for 2023 — Come Home! This series is based on and informed by the book of Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son, as well as Rembrandt’s painting, The Return of the Prodigal Son.

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Come Home!

February 26, 2023

Luke 15:1-3,11-32 — Lent is a time of homecoming. All of us leave our Father’s home during the year in one way or the other. To find our way home we must surrender control, die to self, and step into the Father’s waiting arms to receive his love and forgiveness. We are like the younger son and the elder son. Both are lost and need to come home. And coming home we must become then like the Father and look at others and the world through God’s eyes.

This is part of our Lent series for 2023 — Come Home! This series is based on and informed by the book of Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son, as well as Rembrandt’s painting, The Return of the Prodigal Son.

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Coming Home

February 19, 2023

The Lord’s Prayer & Luke 15:11-32 — When we pray the Lord’s Prayer we are coming home to our Father. We were home but we all left home and were lost. However, God’s self-giving love in Jesus Christ makes redemption and forgiveness possible. He makes it possible for us to come home and receive the Father’s forgiveness, protection, and daily provision. Having come home we can now enjoy the joyous feast of God’s glorious presence, now and forever.

This is part of our sermon series for the 40 Days of Prayer, 2023. Even though the 40 Days series is finished, we have extended our series with two more sermons. This sermon is also based on and informed by the book of Henri J.M. Nouwen, The Return of the Prodigal Son.

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February 12, 2023

The Lord’s Prayer & Is. 65:16; Rev. 3:14; John 4:24; 14:6 — Jesus is the Amen, the way and the truth and the life. His teachings and words are truth. When we end the Lord’s Prayer with Amen, we give a strong affirmation of the truths of this prayer. We agree and commit ourselves to these truths. With “Amen,” we worship in Spirit and in truth.

This is part of our sermon series for the 40 Days of Prayer, 2023. Even though the 40 Days series is finished, we have extended our series with two more sermons.

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Prayer as an Expression of Hope

February 5, 2023

Matthew 6:13 — When we focus on the brokenness, hurt, and evil in this world, we may easily fall into frustration, doubts, and hopelessness. But our hope is true and confident because of God’s vision of his future, of his kingdom, power, and glory, that is our hope. Prayer is an expression of our hope, and prayer enables us to remain focused on God’s vision, our hope.

This is part of our sermon series for the 40 Days of Prayer, 2023. This year we focus on Prayer and follow the Lord’s Prayer in our sermon series. This is also based on the C&MA’s resources for the 40 Days of Prayer.

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