Posts in Kingdom of heaven
True Disciples Bear Kingdom Fruit

February 2, 2020

Matthew 7:15-20 — At the end of his sermon Jesus presents the two gates, the two ways, two kingdoms. There is a choice to be made. There are only two gates and two ways. There is no middle road. There is no compromise. There is no sitting on the fence. Which way is it going to be, the kingdom of Satan or the kingdom of God, the prevailing world culture, or the Christian counter-culture? There is only one gate and way to enter into and to live in God’s kingdom.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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No Compromise, Only One Way

January 26, 2020

Matthew 7:13-14 — At the end of his sermon Jesus presents the two gates, the two ways, two kingdoms. There is a choice to be made. There are only two gates and two ways. There is no middle road. There is no compromise. There is no sitting on the fence. Which way is it going to be, the kingdom of Satan or the kingdom of God, the prevailing world culture, or the Christian counter-culture? There is only one gate and way to enter into and to live in God’s kingdom.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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Do Not Worry. Believe!

January 5, 2020

Matthew 6:25-34 — When we worship and serve only God with our eyes fixed on Jesus only, then we don’t need to worry. God knows and provides what we need. We can focus on seeking first the kingdom and living the kingdom life.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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We Serve God Alone

November 24 2019

Matthew 6:19-24 — Where is your heart? What is your treasure? Whom do you serve? We cannot serve two lords. We serve God alone. We serve God by keeping our hearts focused on God’s kingdom. We focus our hearts on the kingdom by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ, the light of the world.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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Amazing Grace

November 17 2019

Matthew 6:7-15 — This sermon looks at the second half of the Lord’s Prayer. We continue to glorify God. Even though our needs are now in focus, it is ultimately still about God’s glory because God gives, God forgives, God protects and delivers us. All because of his amazing grace and all for his glory.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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Praying for our Father’s Glory

October 13 2019

Matthew 6:7-15 — We pray in faith with hope and love. We pray to worship, honor and glorify our Father in heaven. His glory, his holy Name, his kingdom, his will, must be the focus and priority in our prayers. Even when in supplication and intercession we pray for ourselves and others, those prayers ultimately serve our Father’s glory. This sermon deals with the first part of the Lord’s Prayer.

This is part of our series, Living the Kingdom Life, based on the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 5-7.

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