March 3, 2024
John 19:25-27 (cf. also John 1:12; 13:1, 14-15, 34-35) — Mary & John at the Cross — Mary’s heart was pierced. She suffered the unspeakable horror of seeing the slow, painful, shameful death of her son. Although Mary didn’t fully understand the reason for his death, she obeyed, followed Jesus, and followed through in being a servant of God’s mission. She gave up her son. She is an example of radical discipleship—to follow Jesus requires us to give up everything. Even at the end, while dying, in the midst of his suffering, Jesus showed compassion and exercised loving care for the people he loved. He honored his mother. He provided a new family for her and John. Jesus’ death reveals God’s self-giving love. Out of that love and his suffering a new spiritual family has come into being, that is the church where the ties of the Holy Spirit transcends family ties, physical relationships and all other boundaries. Jesus calls people into a new relationship with God and one another — a relationship of self-giving love.
This is part of our Lent series for 2024 — At the Cross—Who Are You?
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