Posts in Eschatology
Praise God for His Salvation

October 2, 2022

Revelation 7:9-17— God is in the process of redeeming a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language. We endure tribulation faithfully by relying upon Christ’s sacrifice and victory on the cross. God protects us through tribulation, suffering, and death. He brings us into his eternal presence where we receive his protection, comfort, and provision forever. Our proper and fitting response is to worship and praise God and the Lamb for saving God’s people.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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We Are Sealed & Protected

September 18, 2022

Revelation 7:1-8— The living God sealed us with his Name and Holy Spirit. We belong to God, and He protects us spiritually. We will not experience God’s wrath. We will suffer tribulation from Satan and his forces in the unbelieving world and may lose our physical lives but never our spiritual lives. God’s seal also empowers us to endure suffering and persevere in faithful witness.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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How Long O Lord!?

September 11, 2022

Revelation 6:9-17— The final end and God’s judgment on the wicked, unbelieving world may be delayed for a time but until that day, until Christ returns we must persevere as faithful followers of Jesus. Wherever we are and in whatever we do, we must boldly proclaim the gospel of God’s Kingdom no matter the costs. During this time we will suffer persecution and death but God protects our souls through suffering and death. On that Day of the Lord, God and the Lamb will pour out their wrath on every unbeliever no matter their position or power. Where will we stand? Will be faithful slaves of God or will we be with the earth-dwellers, the unbelievers, who will try to hide from God’s wrath? Only the believers, God’s faithful people, and faithful witnesses can stand before God’s throne on that day.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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The Lamb Rules

September 4, 2022

Revelation 6:1-8 — Christ the Lamb rules from the throne and executes God’s plan for the world. As He opens the first four seals, God allows human sinfulness to run its course, resulting in warfare, violence, bloodshed, economic hardship, famine, and death. These serve as His judgments and punishments on the unbelieving and unrepentant world. They are final warnings for people to repent. These tribulations also result in persecution and suffering for the believers. The faithful will be purified and saved. These judgments should not lead us to despair but give us hope and encouragement because they indicate that God is fulfilling his plan of salvation. The Lamb is in control and the Lord is coming soon to bring in the final end.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Worship the Lamb

August 28 2022

Revelation 5:1-14 — The Lion is the Lamb, the slaughtered Lamb. Jesus Christ is the Lion-Lamb. He conquered Satan, evil, and death through his crucifixion and his resurrection. Because of his victory he is worthy to execute, complete, and fulfill God’s plan to judge the world, save his people, and restore his creation. We should worship the Lamb because through his death on the cross he redeemed a multicultural people for God and made them a kingdom and priests. We should worship the Lamb with God because he is God and rules with God.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Worship the Lord God Almighty

August 21 2022

Revelation 4:1-11 — We should worship the Lord God Almighty and Him alone. We should worship God because He is the holy, all-powerful, eternal, sovereign Creator and Ruler of the universe. This vision assures us that God will accomplish his plans for his creation. Encourage us to persevere in faithful witness.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Patient Endurance in Faithful Witness

August 14 2022

Revelation 1:9-3:22 — We are living in the end times and in a hostile world. Jesus calls us to endure patiently in faithful witness to Him and like Him no matter what the circumstances or the consequences of our witness. When we endure in faithful discipleship, we are victorious, and He promises us eternal life with him in his new creation.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Repent with Your Whole Heart

August 7, 2022

Revelation 3:14-22 — We must repent with our whole hearts, open the door to Him and return to abiding in Christ and living in an intimate fellowship and relationship with Him. Only in Jesus Christ are we truly rich and do we know the truth. Only in Him are we dressed with the white clothes of his righteousness that cover and take away the shame of our disobedience and unfaithfulness.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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