Posts in Eschatology
Jesus Opens the Door

July 31, 2022

Revelation 3:7-13 — Jesus is the Holy Lord, the True Messiah, the faithful God. He opens the door of God’s Kingdom for us. We overcome by holding on to what we have, this open door. We overcome by keeping his Word and never denying his Name. Then He makes us kingdom citizens. He identifies us with Him and promises us eternal fellowship with God in the new creation.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Wake Up!

July 24, 2022

Revelation 3:1-6 — Jesus Christ, the Sovereign Lord of his church, calls us to wake up and remain awake so that we will be worthy to be bearers of His Name. We should be spiritually vigilant to guard against spiritual lethargy and complacency until He comes. Then He will acknowledge our names before the Father and welcome us as kingdom citizens for our names are written in the book of life.

(Our apologies — there is no audio available for this sermon due to circumstances.)

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Hold On To Jesus Christ

July 3, 2022

Revelation 2:12-17 — Take a hold of and hold fast to the Name of Jesus Christ. Don’t deny your faith in Him. Do not hold to the false teachings that lead us to compromise with an idolatrous and immoral culture. Do not tolerate these. Repent, otherwise the Living Word will pronounce His deadly judgment on us. Remaining faithful we overcome and we will be named as His people and live in eternal fellowship with the Lord.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Don’t Fear, Remain Faithful

June 26, 2022

Revelation 2:8-11 — Do not fear the tribulation, persecution, and suffering we experience and will experience. Endure these patiently. Remain faithful to Jesus even if it means death. We will live forever. Our Risen Lord brings life out of death. He empowers us to overcome tribulation, remain faithful, and He gives us eternal life.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Return to Your First Love

June 19, 2022

Revelation 2:1-7 — Jesus Christ writes to His Church to encourage us to endure in faithful witness to Him in the face of persecution even death. We should not compromise with the world, nor tolerate evil or false teachings. As Lord of His Church, Jesus commends, corrects, reprimands, and calls to repentance. We should repent and return to our first love. Our love for God should show in love in action toward others and in passionate witnessing to Christ. When we conquer through faithful endurance and suffering we receive life.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Jesus Is Lord of His Church

June 12, 2022

Revelation 1:9-20 — Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty, the great I AM. He is Lord of his Church and as such, He is present with and holds her in his hands. Therefore, we do not fear. We fulfill our call as priestly kings by faithfully witnessing to Jesus. We endure suffering and tribulation. We remain faithful even in death because we know that we will ultimately overcome because Jesus overcame death and is the Living One who lives forever.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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Jesus Is Coming (Introduction to Revelation Part 2)

June 5, 2022

Revelation 1:1-8 — This revelation of Jesus Christ is the word of God showing to his church what God has done in Christ. Jesus is coming! The Lord God Almighty, the Creator of All, assures and guarantees this because He is sovereign over all history. History unfolds according to his will and for his glory. Therefore, we have grace and peace in all circumstances because the Triune God is the source of our grace and peace.

This is part of our sermon series on the book of Revelation, entitled, Come, Lord Jesus!

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